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Text File  |  2005-05-24  |  19KB  |  396 lines

  1. ; PSPad clip definition file for Extensible 3D (X3D)
  2. ; author:  Bart; area42 - Agentur & Systempartner; www.area42.de
  3. ; last revision 15.05.2005 
  4. ;
  5. [Macro definition]
  6. %access1%=@C "Access type:",accessType=,inputOutput,inputOnly;outputOnly;initializeOnly;inputOutput,"
  7. %access2%=@C "Access type:",accessType=,inputOutput,inputOnly;outputOnly;initializeOnly;inputOutput,"
  8. %access3%=@C "Access type:",accessType=,inputOutput,inputOnly;outputOnly;initializeOnly;inputOutput,"
  9. %access4%=@C "Access type:",accessType=,inputOutput,inputOnly;outputOnly;initializeOnly;inputOutput,"
  10. %anglecut%=@E "Cutoff angle (SFFloat):",cutOffAngle=,,,"
  11. %angledisc%=@E "Disk angle (SFFloat):",diskAngle=,,,"
  12. %angleend%=@E "End angle (SFFloat):",endAngle=,,,"
  13. %anglegrd%=@E "Ground angle (MFFloat):",groundAngle=,,,"
  14. %anglegrd%=@E "Ground angle (MFFloat):",groundAngle=,,,"
  15. %anglemax%=@E "Maximum angle (SFFloat):",maxAngle=,,,"
  16. %anglemin%=@E "Minimum angle (SFFloat):",minAngle=,,,"
  17. %anglestart%=@E "Start angle (SFFloat):",startAngle=,,,"
  18. %atten%=@E "Attenuation (SFVec3f):",attenuation=,"1 0 0",,"
  19. %avatarsize%=@E "Avatar (collision, height, step):",avatarSize=,"0.25 1.6 0.75",,"
  20. %axisOfRotation%=@E "Axis of rotation (SFVec3f):",axisOfRotation=,"0 0 0",,"
  21. %beam%=@E "Beam width (SFFloat):",beamWidth=,,,"
  22. %center%=@E "Center (SFVec3f):",center=,,,"
  23. %choice%=@E "Active child choice (SFInt32):",whichChoice=,,,"
  24. %color%=@L Color (SFColor):,color=,,,"
  25. %colors%=@L Specular color (SFColor):,specularColor=,,,"
  26. %colord%=@L Diffuse color (SFColor):,diffuseColor=,,,"
  27. %colorgrd%=@L Ground color (MFColor):,groundColor=,,,"
  28. %colorsky%=@L Sky color (MFColor):,skyColor=,,,"
  29. %colore%=@L Emissive color (SFColor):,emissiveColor=,,,"
  30. %content%=@O Content:,content=,,,"
  31. %contentd%=@D Creation Date:,content=,,,"
  32. %def%=@E "ID name:",DEF=,,,"
  33. %description%=@E "Description (SFString):",description=,,,"
  34. %direction%=@E "Direction (SFVec3f):",direction=,"0 0 -1",,"
  35. %family%=@F "Font (MFString):",family=,,,"
  36. %fromField%=@C "From field:",fromField=,,articulationParameterValue0_changed;articulationParameterValue1_changed;articulationParameterValue2_changed;articulationParameterValue3_changed;articulationParameterValue4_changed;articulationParameterValue5_changed;articulationParameterValue6_changed;articulationParameterValue7_changed;centerOfRotation_changed;duration_changed;fraction_changed;geovalue_changed;hitGeoCoord_changed;hitPoint_changed;hitNormal_changed;hitTexCoord_changed;normal_changed;orientation _change;position_changed;rotation_changed;trackPoint_changed;translation_changed;value_changed,"
  37. %fromNode%=@E "From node ID:",fromNode=,,,"
  38. %geosys%=@C "Geographic coordinate system:",geoSystem=,,GD;WE,"
  39. %info%=@E "Information (MFString):",info=,,,"
  40. %infoa%=@E " Application information (SFString):",appinfo=,,,"
  41. %inten%=@E "Intensity (SFFloat):",intensity=,,,"
  42. %intena%=@E "Ambient intensity (SFFloat):",ambientIntensity=,,,"
  43. %intervalcyc%=@E "Cycle interval in sec. (SFTime):",cycleInterval=,,,"
  48. %namep%=@E "Name of Proto node:",name=,,,"
  49. %namescr1%=@E "Field name:",name=,,,"
  50. %namescr2%=@E "Field name:",name=,,,"
  51. %namescr3%=@E "Field name:",name=,,,"
  52. %namescr4%=@E "Field name:",name=,,,"
  53. %function%=@C "Function:",,,;ALPHAREPLICATE;COMPLEMENT;NONE, ,"
  54. %functionname%=@C "Name of function:",,,initialize;shutdown;eventsProcessed;prepareEvents, ,"
  55. %justify%=@C "Justify:",style=,,BEGIN;END;FIRST;MIDDLE,"
  56. %key%=@E "Animation keys (MFFloat):",key=,"0, .5, 1",,"
  57. %keyvalcol%=@L "Animation values (MFColor):",keyValue=,,,"
  58. %keyvalrot%=@E "Animation values (MFRotation):",keyValue=,,,"
  59. %keyvalscal%=@E "Animation values (MFFloat):",keyValue=,,,"
  60. %keyvalvec3f%=@E "Animation values (MFVec3f):",keyValue=,,,"
  61. %keyvalvec2f%=@E "Animation values (MFVec2f):",keyValue=,,,"
  62. %language%=@C "Language code (SFString):",language=,,ar;de;el;en;es;fr;he;hi;it;ja;nl;ru;sa;ur;zh,"
  63. %location%=@E "Location (SFVec3f):",location=,"0 0 0",,"
  64. %nothing1%=@--
  65. %nothing2%=@--
  66. %nothing3%=@--
  67. %nothing4%=@--
  68. %nothing5%=@--
  69. %offsetcy%=@E "Offset (SFFloat):",offset=,,,"
  70. %offsetpl%=@E "Offset (SFVec3f):",offset=,,,"
  71. %parameter%=@C "Parameter (MFString):",parameter=,,_blank;_parent;_self;_top,"
  72. %paramtcg%=@E "Parameter (MFVec2f):",parameter=,,,"
  73. %pitch%=@E "Pitch rate (SFFloat):",pitch=,,,"
  74. %point%=@E "Points (MFVec2f):",point=,,,"
  75. %pointlines%=@E "Lines (MFVec2f):",lineSegments=,,,"
  76. %points%=@E "Points (MFVec2f):",points=,,,"
  77. %pointt%=@E "Vertices (MFVec2f):",vertices=,,,"
  78. %posmax%=@E "Maximum plane position (SFVec2f):",maxPosition=,,,"
  79. %posmin%=@E "Minimum plane position (SFVec2f):",minPosition=,,,"
  80. %profile%=@C "X3D profile:",profile=,,Full;Immersive;Interactive;Interchange;Core;MPEG4Interactive,"
  81. %radius%=@E "Radius (SFFloat):",radius=,,,"
  82. %Radiusinner%=@E "Inner radius (SFFloat):",innerRadius=,,,"
  83. %Radiusouter%=@E "Outer radius (SFFloat):",outerRadius=,,,"
  84. %range1%=@E "Range near:",,,,,"
  85. %range2%=@E "Range medium:",,,,,"
  86. %range3%=@E "Range far:",,,,,"
  87. %rotation%=@E "Rotation (SFRotation):",rotation=,"0 1 0 0",,"
  88. %rotationo%=@E "Offset (SFRotation):",offset=,"0 1 0 0",,"
  89. %rotationt%=@E "Rotation (SFFloat):",rotation=,,,"
  90. %scale%=@E "Scaling (SFVec3f):",scale=,,,"
  91. %scalet%=@E "Scaling (SFVec2f):",scale=,,,"
  92. %shine%=@E "Shininess (SFFloat):",shininess=,,,
  93. %size%=@E "Size (SFVec3f):",size=,"2 2 2",,"
  94. %sizetext%=@E "Size of text glyphs (SFFloat):",size=,".5",,"
  95. %speed%=@E "Travel speed (SFFloat):",speed=,,,"
  96. %speedm%=@E "Play speed (SFFloat):",speed=,,,"
  97. %spacing%=@E "Letter Spacing (SFFloat):",spacing=,,,"
  98. %style%=@C "Text style:",style=,,PLAIN;BOLD;ITALIC;BOLDITALIC,"
  99. %tfaoff%=@C "Auto offset (SFBool):",autoOffset=,,false;true,"
  100. %tfdel%=@C "Deletion allowed (SFBool):",deletionAllowed=,,false;true,"
  101. %tfenabled%=@C "Enabled (SFBool):",enabled=,,false;true,"
  102. %tfheadlight%=@C "Headlight (SFBool):",headlight=,false,false;true,"
  103. %tfhorizontal%=@C "Horizontal text direction (SFBool):",horizontal=,,false;true,"
  104. %tfleftToRight%=@C "Reading direction Left->Right (SFBool):",leftToRight=,,false;true,"
  105. %tfload%=@C "Load immediately (SFBool):",load=,false,false;true,"
  106. %tfloop%=@C "Loop (SFBool):",loop=,,false;true,"
  107. %tfonoff%=@C "Light is on (SFBool):",loop=,,false;true,"
  108. %tfreps%=@C "Repeat along s axis (SFBool):",repeatS=,,false;true,"
  109. %tfrept%=@C "Repeat along t axis (SFBool):",repeatT=,,false;true,"
  110. %tftopToBottom%=@C "Reading direction Top->Bottom (SFBool):",topToBottom=,,false;true,"
  111. %timeelap%=@E "Elapse time in sec. (SFTime):",elapsedTime=,,,"
  112. %timeout%=@E "Load timeout in sec. (SFTime):",timeOut=,,,"
  113. %timepause%=@E "Pause time in sec. (SFTime):",pauseTime=,,,"
  114. %timeres%=@E "Resume time in sec. (SFTime):",resumeTime=,,,"
  115. %timesta%=@E "Start time (SFTime):",startTime=,,,"
  116. %timesto%=@E "Stop time (SFTime):",stopTime=,,,"
  117. %title%=@E "Title of 3D world:",title=,,,"
  118. %toField%=@C "To field:",toField=,,set_articulationParameterValue0;set_articulationParameterValue1;set_articulationParameterValue2;set_articulationParameterValue3;set_articulationParameterValue4;set_articulationParameterValue5;set_articulationParameterValue6;set_articulationParameterValue7;set_bind;set_boolean;set_colorIndex;set_controlPoint;set_coordIndex;set_crossSection;set_fraction;set_height;set_loaded;set_normalIndex;set_orientation;set_position;set_progress;set_rotation;set_scale;set_spine;set_texCoordIndex;set_translation;set_triggerTime;set_uTessellation;set_vTessellation;set_weight,"
  119. %toNode%=@E "To node ID:",toNode=,,,"
  120. %translation%=@E "Translation (SFVec3f):",translation=,,,"
  121. %translationt%=@E "Translation (SFVec2f):",translation=,,,"
  122. %transp%=@E "Transparency (SFFloat):",transparency=,,,"
  123. %transpa%=@E "Alpha (SFFloat):",alpha=,,,"
  124. %typeclose%=@C "Type of closure:",closureType=,PIE,PIE;CHORD,"
  125. %typefog%=@C "Type of fog (SFString):",fogType=,LINEAR,LINEAR;EXPONENTIAL,"
  126. %typenavi1%=@C "Navigation mode:",,ANY,ANY;EXAMINE;FLY;NONE,',"
  127. %typenavi2%=@C "Navigation mode:",,EXAMINE,ANY;EXAMINE;FLY;NONE,',"
  128. %typemeta%=@C "Type:",name=,author,author;created;description;filename;generator;license;revised;translator;url;version,"
  129. %typescr1%=@C "Value type:",type=,,MFBool;MFColor;MFColorRGBA;MFDouble;MFFloat;MFImage;MFInt32;MFMatrix3d;MFMatrix3f;MFMatrix4d;MFMatrix4f;MFNode;MFRotatio;MFString;MFTime;MFVec2d;MFVec2f;MFVec3d;MFVec3f;SFBool;SFColor;SFColorRGBA;SFDouble;SFFloat;SFImage;SFInt32;SFMatrix3d;SFMatrix3f;SFMatrix4d;SFMatrix4f;SFNode;SFRotation;SFString;SFTime;SFVec2d;SFVec2f;SFVec3d;SFVec3f," 
  130. %typescr2%=@C "Value type:",type=,,MFBool;MFColor;MFColorRGBA;MFDouble;MFFloat;MFImage;MFInt32;MFMatrix3d;MFMatrix3f;MFMatrix4d;MFMatrix4f;MFNode;MFRotatio;MFString;MFTime;MFVec2d;MFVec2f;MFVec3d;MFVec3f;SFBool;SFColor;SFColorRGBA;SFDouble;SFFloat;SFImage;SFInt32;SFMatrix3d;SFMatrix3f;SFMatrix4d;SFMatrix4f;SFNode;SFRotation;SFString;SFTime;SFVec2d;SFVec2f;SFVec3d;SFVec3f,"
  131. %typescr3%=@C "Value type:",type=,,MFBool;MFColor;MFColorRGBA;MFDouble;MFFloat;MFImage;MFInt32;MFMatrix3d;MFMatrix3f;MFMatrix4d;MFMatrix4f;MFNode;MFRotatio;MFString;MFTime;MFVec2d;MFVec2f;MFVec3d;MFVec3f;SFBool;SFColor;SFColorRGBA;SFDouble;SFFloat;SFImage;SFInt32;SFMatrix3d;SFMatrix3f;SFMatrix4d;SFMatrix4f;SFNode;SFRotation;SFString;SFTime;SFVec2d;SFVec2f;SFVec3d;SFVec3f,"
  132. %typescr4%=@C "Value type:",type=,,MFBool;MFColor;MFColorRGBA;MFDouble;MFFloat;MFImage;MFInt32;MFMatrix3d;MFMatrix3f;MFMatrix4d;MFMatrix4f;MFNode;MFRotatio;MFString;MFTime;MFVec2d;MFVec2f;MFVec3d;MFVec3f;SFBool;SFColor;SFColorRGBA;SFDouble;SFFloat;SFImage;SFInt32;SFMatrix3d;SFMatrix3f;SFMatrix4d;SFMatrix4f;SFNode;SFRotation;SFString;SFTime;SFVec2d;SFVec2f;SFVec3d;SFVec3f,"
  133. %use%=@E "Use ID name:",USE=,,,"
  134. %url%=@O "File URL (MFString):",url=,,,"
  135. %urlba%=@P "Image texture back (MFString):",backUrl=,,,"
  136. %urlbt%=@P "Image texture bottom (MFString):",bottomUrl=,,,"
  137. %urld%=@O "Documentation URL (SFString):",url=,,,"
  138. %urlfr%=@P "Image texture front (MFString):",frontUrl=,,,"
  139. %urli%=@P "Image texture (MFString):",url=,,,"
  140. %urlle%=@P "Image texture left (MFString):",leftUrl=,,,"
  141. %urlm%=@O "Movie URL (MFString):",url=,,,"
  142. %urlri%=@P "Image texture right (MFString):",rightUrl=,,,"
  143. %urls%=@C "Color source:",source=,,DIFFUSE;FACTOR;PREVIOUS;SPECULAR,"
  144. %urltop%=@P "Image texture top (MFString):",topUrl=,,,"
  145. %urlttba%=@P "Image texture back (MFString):",backTexture=,,,"
  146. %urlttbt%=@P "Image texture bottom (MFString):",bottomTexture=,,,"
  147. %urlttfr%=@P "Image texture front (MFString):",frontTexture=,,,"
  148. %urlttle%=@P "Image texture left (MFString):",leftTexture=,,,"
  149. %urlttri%=@P "Image texture right (MFString):",rightTexture=,,,"
  150. %urltttop%=@P "Image texture top (MFString):",topTexture=,,,"
  151. %visibilitylimit%=@E "Visibility limit:",visibilityLimit=,,,"
  152. %visibilityrange%=@E "Visibility range:",visibilityRange=,,,"
  153. ;
  154. [Anchor | grouping node]
  155. <Anchor %def% %use% %description% %url% %parameter%>
  156.     º|
  157. </Anchor>
  158. ;
  159. [Appearance | visual property]
  160. <Appearance %def% %use%>
  161.     º|
  162. </Appearance>
  163. ;
  164. [Arc2D | 2D geometry node]
  165. <Arc2D %def% %use% %nothing1% %radius% %anglestart% %angleend% />
  166. ;
  167. [ArcClose2D | 2D geometry node]
  168. <ArcClose2D %def% %use% %nothing1% %radius% %anglestart% %angleend% %typeclose% />
  169. ;
  170. [AudioClip | sound node]
  171. <AudioClip %def% %use% %nothing1% %description% %url% %tfloop% %pitch% %nothing2% %timesta% %timesto% %timepause% %timeres% %timeelap% />
  172. ;
  173. [Background | atmospheric effect]
  174. <Background %def% %use% %nothing1% %colorsky% %anglesky% %colorgrd% %anglegrd% %nothing2% %urlfr% %urlba% %urlle% %urlri% %urltop% %urlbt% />
  175. ;
  176. [Billboard | grouping node]
  177. <Billboard %def% %use% %axisOfRotation%>
  178.     º|
  179. </Billboard>
  180. ;
  181. [Box | geometry node]
  182. <Box %def% %use% %size% />
  183. ;
  184. [Circle2D | 2D geometry node]
  185. <Circle2D %def% %use% %radius% />
  186. ;
  187. [Collision | grouping node]
  188. <Collision %def% %use% %tfenabled%>
  189.     º|
  190. </Collision>
  191. ;
  192. [ColorInterpolator | animation node]
  193. <ColorInterpolator %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalcol% />
  194. ;
  195. [Contour2D | grouping node]
  196. <Contour2D %def% %use%>
  197.     º|
  198. </Contour2D>
  199. ;
  200. [ContourPolyline2D | 2D curve node]
  201. <ContourPolyline2D %def% %use% %point%>
  202.     º|
  203. </ContourPolyline2D>
  204. ;
  205. [CoordinateInterpolator | animation node]
  206. <CoordinateInterpolator %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalvec3f% />
  207. ;
  208. [CoordinateInterpolator2D | animation node]
  209. <CoordinateInterpolator2D %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalvec2f% />
  210. ;
  211. [CylinderSensor | event node]
  212. <CylinderSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %description% %tfaoff% %offsetcy% %nothing2% %anglemax% %anglemin% %angledisc% />
  213. ;
  214. [DEF | create an ID for a object]
  215. DEF="|"
  216. ;
  217. [DirectionalLight | lightning node]
  218. <DirectionalLight %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfonoff% %color% %intena% %inten% %nothing2% %direction />
  219. ;
  220. [Disk2D | 2D geometry node]
  221. <Disk2D %def% %use% %nothing1% %Radiusinner% %Radiusouter%/>
  222. ;
  223. [field | programmed behavior]
  224. <field %namescr4% %typescr4% %access4% />
  225. ;
  226. [Fog | atmospheric effect]
  227. <Fog %def% %use% %nothing1% %color% %typefog% %visibilityrange% />
  228. ;
  229. [FontStyle | text node]
  230. <FontStyle %def% %use% %nothing1% %family% %style% %justify% %sizetext% %spacing% %language% %nothing2% %tfhorizontal% %tfleftToRight% %tftopToBottom% />
  231. ;
  232. [GeoTouchSensor | event node]
  233. <GeoTouchSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %geosys% />
  234. ;
  235. [Group | grouping node]
  236. <Group %def% %use%>
  237.     º|
  238. </Group>
  239. ;
  240. [ImageTexture | visual property]
  241. <ImageTexture %def% %use% %nothing1% %urli% %tfreps% %tfrept% />
  242. ;
  243. [Inline | grouping node]
  244. <Inline %def% %use% %tfload% %url% />
  245. ;
  246. [KeySensor | event node]
  247. <KeySensor %def% %use% %tfenabled% />
  248. ;
  249. [LOD | grouping node]
  250. <LOD %def% %use% range="%range1%,%range2%,%range3%">
  251.     º|
  252. </LOD>
  253. ;
  254. [NormalInterpolator | animation node]
  255. <NormalInterpolator %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalvec3f% />
  256. ;
  257. [LoadSensor | event node]
  258. <LoadSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %timeout% />
  259. ;
  260. [Material | visual property]
  261. <Material %def% %use%    %colors% %colord% %colore%
  262.     %shine% %intena% %transp% />
  263. ;
  264. [Meta | meta informations]
  265. <meta %typemeta% %content% />
  266. ;
  267. [Meta creation date | meta informations]
  268. <meta name="created" %contentd% />
  269. ;
  270. [MovieTexture | visual property]
  271. <MovieTexture %def% %use% %nothing1% %urlm% %speedm% %tfloop% %tfreps% %tfrept% %nothing2% %timesta% %timesto% %timepause% %timeres% %timeelap% />
  272. ;
  273. [MultiTexture | visual property]
  274. <MultiTexture %def% %use% mode="%modemu1%,%modemu2%,%modemu3%" %urls% %function% %color% %transpa%>
  275.     º|
  276. </MultiTexture>
  277. ;
  278. [NavigationInfo | how to viewing the model]
  279. <NavigationInfo %def% %avatarsize% %tfheadlight% %speed% type="%typenavi1%,%typenavi2%" %visibilitylimit% />
  280. ;
  281. [OrientationInterpolator | animation node]
  282. <OrientationInterpolator %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalrot% />
  283. ;
  284. [PlaneSensor | event node]
  285. <PlaneSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %description% %tfaoff% %offsetpl% %nothing2% %posmax% %posmin% />
  286. ;
  287. [PointLight | lightning node]
  288. <PointLight %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfonoff% %color% %intena% %inten% %radius% %nothing2% %atten% %location% />
  289. ;
  290. [Polyline2D | 2D geometry node]
  291. <Polyline2D %def% %use% %pointlines% />
  292. ;
  293. [Polypoint2D | 2D geometry node]
  294. <Polypoint2D %def% %use% %points% />
  295. ;
  296. [PositionInterpolator | animation node]
  297. <PositionInterpolator %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalvec3f% />
  298. ;
  299. [PositionInterpolator2D | animation node]
  300. <PositionInterpolator2D %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalvec2f% />
  301. ;
  302. [ProtoDeclare | Prototype node]
  303. <ProtoDeclare %namep% %infoa% %urld%>
  304.     º|
  305. </ProtoDeclare>
  306. ;
  307. [ProtoInstance | Prototype node]
  308. <ProtoInstance %def% %use% %namep%%>
  309.     º|
  310. </ProtoDeclare>
  311. ;
  312. [ProximitySensor | event node]
  313. <ProximitySensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %center% %size% />
  314. ;
  315. [Rectangle2D | 2D geometry node]
  316. <Rectangle2D %def% %use% %size% />
  317. ;
  318. [ROUTE | event passing]
  319. <ROUTE %fromNode% %fromField% %toNode% %toField% />
  320. ;
  321. [ScalarInterpolator | animation node]
  322. <ScalarInterpolator %def% %use% %nothing1% %key% %keyvalscal% />
  323. ;
  324. [Script | programmed behavior]
  325. <Script %def%>    %nothing1%
  326.     <field %namescr4% %typescr4% %access4% />    %nothing2%
  327.     <field %namescr2% %typescr2% %access2% />    %nothing3%
  328.     <field %namescr3% %typescr3% %access3% />    %nothing4%
  329.     <![CDATA[
  330.     ecmascript:
  331.     function%functionname%(value, timestamp)
  332.     {
  333.         º|
  334.     }
  335.     ]]>
  336. </Script> 
  337. ;
  338. [Sphere | geometry node]
  339. <Sphere %def% %use% %radius% />
  340. ;
  341. [SphereSensor | event node]
  342. <SphereSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %description% %tfaoff% %rotationo% />
  343. ;
  344. [SpotLight | lightning node]
  345. <SpotLight %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfonoff% %color% %intena% %inten% %radius% %nothing2% %atten% %beam% %anglecut% %direction% %location% />
  346. ;
  347. [StaticGroup | grouping node]
  348. <StaticGroup %def% %use%>
  349.     º|
  350. </StaticGroup>
  351. ;
  352. [StringSensor | event node]
  353. <StringSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %tfdel% />
  354. ;
  355. [Switch | grouping node]
  356. <Switch %def% %use% %choice%>
  357.     º|
  358. </Switch>
  359. ;
  360. [TextureBackground | atmospheric effect]
  361. <TextureBackground %def% %use% %nothing1% %colorsky% %anglesky% %colorgrd% %anglegrd% %transp% %nothing2% %urlttfr% %urlttba% %urlttle% %urlttri% %urltttop% %urlttbt% />
  362. ;
  363. [TextureCoordinateGenerator | visual property]
  364. <TextureCoordinateGenerator %def% %use% %nothing1% %modetcg% %paramtcg%>
  365.         º|
  366. </TextureCoordinateGenerator>
  367. ;
  368. [TextureTransform | visual property]
  369. <Transform %def% %use% %nothing1% %translationt% %rotationt% %scalet% />
  370. ;
  371. [TimeSensor | event node]
  372. <TimeSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfloop% %tfenabled% %intervalcyc% %nothing2% %timesta% %timesto% %timepause% %timeres% %timeelap% />
  373. ;
  374. [TouchSensor | event node]
  375. <TouchSensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %description% />
  376. ;
  377. [Transform | grouping node]
  378. <Transform %def% %use% %translation% %rotation% %scale%>
  379.     º|
  380. </Transform>
  381. ;
  382. [TriangleSet2D | 2D geometry node]
  383. <TriangleSet2D %def% %use% %pointt% />
  384. ;
  385. [VisibilitySensor | event node]
  386. <VisibilitySensor %def% %use% %nothing1% %tfenabled% %size% />
  387. ;
  388. [WorldInfo | document information]
  389. <WorldInfo %def% %title% %info% />
  390. ;
  391. [X3D | document information]
  392. <X3D version="3.0" %profile% xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.0.xsd">
  393.     º|
  394. </X3D>
  395. ;